- Comprehensive industrial emergency management : Zarządzanie podczas zdarzeń niebezpiecznych w przemyśle / 1
- Compressed Air Foam - what`s it all about? / 1
- Compression mechanical properties of wood at temperatures simulating fire conditions / 1
- Comptences of theexecutive authority in Poland in the field of national security. 1
- Compulsive un-safety / 1
- Computational analysis of reinforced concrete beams subjected to fire 1
- Computational Fluid Dynamics : A Practical Approach / 1
- Computational fluid dynamics analysis of liquefied natural gas dispersion for risk assessment strategies / 1
- Computational fluid dynamics in fire enigneering : theory, modelling and practice / 1
- Computational fluid dynamics modelling of jet fires. 1
- Computational fluid dynamics simulation of LNG pool fire radiation for hazard analysis / 1
- Computational methods in the study of FAME physicochemical properties. A literature review. 1
- Computational stochastic heat transfer with model uncertainties in a plasterboard submitted to fire load and experimental validation / 1
- Computational Study of Longitudinal Ventilation Control during an Enclosure Fire within a Tunnel / 1
- Computationally effective tool for mechanical simulation of reinforced concrete members subjected to fire. Metody obliczeniowe wykorzystywane do mechanicznej symulacji zachowania się elementów żelbetowych w pożarze / 1
- Computer Installations: Accommodation and Fire Precautions. Instalowanie maszyn cyfrowych: pomieszczenia, urządzenia i środki bezpieczeństwa pożarowego / 2
- Computer modelling in large - scale incidents. / 1
- Computer Programmes for Determining the Probobability and Consequences of Major Accidents 1
- Computer programms for testing textile protections 1
- Computer security : principles and practice. 1
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