- The influence of ventilated air channels on the distribution of temperature and moisture in the mineral wool plates of roof construction. Wpływ przewietrzałych kanałów na rozkład temperatury i wilgotniości płyt z wełny mineralnej wykorzystywanych w konstrukcji dachu / 1
- The influence of water flow rate on extiguishing effectiveness of whirl jet. Wpływ szybkości przepływu wody na skuteczność gaśniczą strumienia wirowego / 1
- The influence of wind speed and humidity of the forest bedding on speed of forest fire distribution 1
- The Influence of Wood Type on the Response Time of Optical Beam Smoke Detectors. 1
- The Ingström Escape Chute - the world's fastest and safest escape system. 1
- The Initiation of Smoldering Combustion in Cellulosic Fabrics / 1
- The innovative uses of concrete by engineers and architects / 1
- The inside track on safety / 1
- The Instant Firefighter. A nontraditional solution to the rural fire control & suppression problems / 1
- The integrated chain of survival / 1
- The interaction of thermal radiation and water mist in fire suppression. / 1
- The international aid perspective / 1
- The international CBRN training curriculum. Międzynarodowe szkolenia w zakresie broni chemicznej, biologicznej, radiologicznej i jądrowej. 1
- The International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code): Resolutoin MSC.98(73) 1
- The International Fire Buyers Guide: the Industry s Leading Qiude Serving Todays Active and Passive Markets. 2
- The international FORUM of the research directors: A position paper on future actions for improving road tunnel fire safety. / 1
- The International Handbook of Road Traffic Accidents and Psychological Trauma: Current Understanding, Treatment and Law / 1
- The intervention window. Model "intervention window". 1
- The intitutionalisation of environmentalism: Ecological discourse and the second transformation of the public sphere. Instytucjonalizacja ekologii: ekologiczny dyskurs i powtórna transformacja sfery publicznej / 1
- The introduction of social adaptation within evacuation modelling / 2
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