- The Pentagon attack on 11.09: Arlington county (VA) Fire Department response / 1
- The Pentagon attack on 11.09: FEMA IST and task force operations / 1
- The Pentagon attack on 11.09: VA TF-1 urban search and rescue response. / 1
- The people's palace / 1
- The perception of a risk in the flood - prone area: a case study from the Czech municipality. / 1
- The Perception of Terrorist Threats in Terms of the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland / 1
- The percolation theory as tool of forecasting behaviour of reinforced concrete structure during the fire 1
- The performance of alcohol resistant foam. Zachowanie się środka pianotwórczego odpornego na działanie alkoholi. / 1
- The perils of leadership: making chief is the easy part 1 / 1
- The Perils of Rain (Double) Roofs / 1
- The Petroleum Officers'Handbook. Podręcznik pracownika przemysłu naftowego / 1
- The Philosophy of Fire Engineering / 1
- The philosophy of smoke control / 1
- The place of survival in rescue operations cooperating units with the system of the State Medical Rescue. 1
- The plague of nuclear terrorism. Plaga nuklearnego terroryzmu / 1
- The planning sector / 1
- The Politics of 21 st Century Environmental disasters / edited by Susan Park. 1
- The politics of crisis management : public leadership under pressure / 1
- The politics of crisis management in transitional Poland from 1990 - 1999 / 1
- The politics of emergency response and recovery: preliminary observations on Taiwan's 921 Earthquake / 1
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