- The Consequences of Introducing the Bologna Process to the Hungarian Fire Protection Engineering Education / 1
- The cooperation between emergency medical teams and emergency departments in reporting patients with multiple organ injuries and noninjury patients. 1
- The corigin and essence of territorial self-government as a determinant of the security of civil society on the example of selected EU countries. 1
- The cost of getting it wrong. Koszt złych działań. 1
- The cost of history. 1
- The cost of traumatic stress / 1
- The costs of delayed emergency response / 1
- The Critical Attendance STandard (CAST). Normy nadzoru. 1
- The critical ventilation velocity in tunnel fires a computer simulation. / 1
- The cross section kern calculation methods of a multilayer structural element. Metody obliczeń przekroju poprzecznego wielowarstwowego elementu budowlanego (KERN) wielowarstwowego układu / 1
- The cut and thrust of it / 1
- The cyber threat: Fear, uncertainty and doubt? / 1
- The D3 Espace Leopold Building / 1
- The dangers of battling fires involving oxidizers: A case study / 1
- The dangers of carbon menoxide at the "routine" fire / 1
- The dangers of fatigue / 1
- The dangers of hydrogen - based experimental fuels / 1
- The dangers of ligtweight steel concstruction / 1
- The Dangers of Modular Construction / 1
- The dangers of too much stuff / 1
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