- The influence of gaps of fire-resisting doors on the smoke spread in a building fire / 1
- The influence of intelligent monitoring and analysis system on the safety and public order in Katowice. 1
- The influence of moving water film on a flame propagation in mixtures of H2 and air in a tube / 1
- The influence of new generation superplasticizer on the fluidity of concretemixes. Wpływ nowej generacji superplastyfikatorów na płynność mieszaniny betonu / 1
- The Influence of Selected Phosphorous-Nitrogen Flame Retardants on the Performance and Combustion Properties of Polyacrylate Solvent-Based Adhesive / 1
- The Influence of Soil and Liquid Temperature on the Process of Permeability of Selected Operating Fluids Used in Motor Vehicles 1
- The influence of stress level of steel on fire resistance of structural members. Wpływ poziomu nacisku na odporność ogniową konstrukcji stalowej. / 1
- The Influence of the Radiant Heat on the Thermal Degradation of Specimens of Beech. Wpływ strumienia ciepła promieniowania na degradację termiczną próbek buku / 1
- The influence of thermal radiation on evacuation assessment in a building fire / 1
- The influence of tunnel geometry and ventilation on the heat release rate of a fire / 1
- The influence of ventilated air channels on the distribution of temperature and moisture in the mineral wool plates of roof construction. Wpływ przewietrzałych kanałów na rozkład temperatury i wilgotniości płyt z wełny mineralnej wykorzystywanych w konstrukcji dachu / 1
- The influence of water flow rate on extiguishing effectiveness of whirl jet. Wpływ szybkości przepływu wody na skuteczność gaśniczą strumienia wirowego / 1
- The influence of wind speed and humidity of the forest bedding on speed of forest fire distribution 1
- The Influence of Wood Type on the Response Time of Optical Beam Smoke Detectors. 1
- The Ingström Escape Chute - the world's fastest and safest escape system. 1
- The Initiation of Smoldering Combustion in Cellulosic Fabrics / 1
- The innovative uses of concrete by engineers and architects / 1
- The inside track on safety / 1
- The Instant Firefighter. A nontraditional solution to the rural fire control & suppression problems / 1
- The integrated chain of survival / 1
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