- Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering: Polish-Ukrainian: transactions 12. Podstawy teoretyczne inżynierii lądowej: 12. seminarium polsko-ukraińskie.. 2
- Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering: Polish-Ukrainian: transactions 13. Podstawy teoretyczne inżynierii lądowej: 13. seminarium polsko-ukraińskie. / 1
- Theoretical Possibilities of Assessment of Propagation of Flue Gases in Corridors: Comparison with the Full-Scale Experimental Measurements. Teoretyczne możliwości szacowania rozprzestrzeniania się gazów wylotowych w korytarzach: porównanie z wynikami uzyskanymi w badaniach w pełnej skali pożaru / 1
- Theoretical Study of Fire Behaviour Concerned with the Prediction of Threats from Flashover, Backdraft and Ignition of Gases. 1
- Theoretische Strömungslehre: Eine Einführung / 1
- The organization and functioning of the polish security system for cross-border crisis : (studies on the quality of security) / 1
- The Organization of State Bodies Responsible for Internal Security in Norway / 1
- Theory and history of state and law subdepartment / 1
- Theory and Organization of Safety Education. 1
- The outstanding Lithuanian engineer. Osiągnięcia inżynierów litewskich / 1
- The Pentagon attack on 11.09: Arlington county (VA) Fire Department response / 1
- The Pentagon attack on 11.09: FEMA IST and task force operations / 1
- The Pentagon attack on 11.09: VA TF-1 urban search and rescue response. / 1
- The people's palace / 1
- The perception of a risk in the flood - prone area: a case study from the Czech municipality. / 1
- The Perception of Terrorist Threats in Terms of the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland / 1
- The percolation theory as tool of forecasting behaviour of reinforced concrete structure during the fire 1
- The performance of alcohol resistant foam. Zachowanie się środka pianotwórczego odpornego na działanie alkoholi. / 1
- The perils of leadership: making chief is the easy part 1 / 1
- The Perils of Rain (Double) Roofs / 1
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