- Modelirovanie teplo- i massoperenosa v mnogoslojnych teplo- i ognezaszczitnych pokrytijach pri vzaimodejstvii c potokom vysokotemperaturnogo gaza / 1
- Modelirovanie vozbużdenija gazovoj detonaciej udarnych voln v trubach / 1
- Modelirowanie opieratywnoj diejatielnosti pożarnoj służby / 1
- Modeljuvannja poszirennja pożeżi v kabel`nomu tuneli = Modelling of fire development in cable tunnel / 1
- Modeljuvannja ta prostorovij analiz emisii parnikovich gaziv v rezułtati lisovich pożeż v Ukraini = Modeling and spatial analysis of emission of greenhouse gases as result of forest fires in Ukraine / 1
- Modeljuvannja tepłovich procesiv u bagatoszarovomu paketi tepłozachisnogo odjagu pożeżnikiv = A modeling of thermal processes in multiple-layers of fire fighters` protective clothes / 1
- Modellig evacuation of persons in construction / 1
- Modelling dwelling fire development and occupancy escape using Bayesian network / 1
- Modelling human behaviour within the fire risk assessment tool CRISP / 1
- Modelling occupant evacuation using Cellular Automata - effect of human behavior and building characteristics on evacuation / 1
- Modelling occupant interaction with fire conditions using the building EXODUS evacuation model / 1
- Modelling Occupant interaction with fire conditions using the buildingEXODUS evacuation model / 1
- Modelling of catastrophic flashing releases / 1
- Modelling of fire development in cable tunnel 1
- Modelling of hydrogen cyanide formation in room fires. / 1
- Modelling of light extinction by soot particles. / 1
- Modelling of sea level rise and river system / 1
- Modelling of the start and development of fires in closed volumes of great lenght / 1
- Modelling soil moisture deficit and moisture content of ground vegetation: progress towards development of a fire weather index system appropiate to the UK / 1
- Modelling spread of fire in a tunnel / 1
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