- Effects of Firefighting Suit Contamination, within Selected Parameters, in Relation to Use during Emergency Intervention. / 1
- Effects of heat sinks on evolution of longitudinal temperature distributions in steel structures / 1
- Effects of high temperature on the pore structure and trength of plain and polypropylene fiber reinforced cement pastes / 1
- Effects of latex paint on smoke hazard in fires / 1
- Effects of mobbing on employees 1
- Effects of nanoclay and fire retardants on fire retardancy o a polymer blend of EVA and LDPE. / 1
- Effects of networks on learning during emergency events / 1
- Effects of oily contamination and deconatmination on the flame resistance of thermal protective textiles / 1
- Effects of partial fire protection on temperature developments in steel joints protected by intumescent coating. / 1
- Effects of particle size on flame spread over magnesium powder layer / 1
- Effects of PPV attack on thermal conditions in a compartment downstream of a fire / 1
- Effects of retainer frame irradiance level and specimen thickness on cone calorimeter test results / 1
- Effects of significant damage of flame gap surfaces in flameproof electrical apparatus on f;ame gap efficiency / 1
- Effects of surface flame spread of medium density fireboard on the ISO room fire / 1
- Effects of surface flame spread of plywood lining on enclosure fire in a modified ISO Room / 1
- Effects of Temperature, Aerodynamic Straining and Suppressant Concentration on Catalytic Inhibition by CF3BR in Methane-Air Counterflow Diffusion Flames / 1
- Effects of the fire effluents on evacuation conditions / 1
- Effektive Vorbereitung auf Waldbrände / 1
- Effektivnost' gorenija vodorov v vysokotemperaturnom sverchzvukovom potoke vozducha pri razlicznych sposobach inżekcii / 1
- Effektivnost` ispol`zovanija sinteticzeskich żidkostnych sostavov v perenosnych ustanovkach pożarotuszenija / 1
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