- Explosion pressure prediction via polynomial mathematical correlation based on advanced CFD Modelling / 1
- Explosion pressures of hydrocarbon - air mixtures in closed vessels / 1
- Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines - Protective systems - Part 1: 2-bar explosion proof ventilation structure. 1
- Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines - Protective systems - Part 4: Automatic extinguishing systems for road headers. 2
- Explosion protection systems - Part 1: Determination of explosion indices of combustible dusts in air (ISO 6184-1:1985) 1
- Explosion protection systems - Part 2: Determination of explosion indices of combustible gases in air (ISO 6184-2:1985) 1
- Explosion protection systems - Part 3: Determination of explosion indices of fuel/air mixtures other than dust/air and gas/air mixtures (ISO 6184-3:1985) 1
- Explosion protection systems - Part 4: Determination of efficacy of explosion suppression systems (ISO 6184-4:1985) 1
- Explosion protection: practical understanding of recent standards and new legislation in process safety. Ochrona przeciwwybuchowa: praktyczne rozumienie nowych przepisów i praw w procesie bezpieczeństwa przeciwwybuchowego. 1
- Explosion resistant equipment. 2
- Explosion suppression systems. 1
- Explosion unter Linienbus / 1
- Explosion venting devices 2
- Explosionen auf Flachdach / 1
- Explosionen und Brände bei flüssiggasbetriebenen Gabelstaplern / 1
- Explosionen: Ablauf und Schutzmassnahmen / 1
- Explosions in buildings: modeling and interpretation of real accident / 1
- Explosions, Detonations, Flammability and Ignition. Eksplozje, wybuchy, zapalność i zapłon. 1
- Explosionsgefährdete Betriebsstätten. Zakłady pracy zagrożone wybuchem / 1
- Explosionsgefähren und Explosionsschutz in Betriebssätten.Erläuterung der Begrifte und Kennzahlen brennbarer Flüssigkeiten, Gase und Stäube. Zagrożenie wybuchowe i ochrona przeciwwybuchowa w zakładach pracy Wyjaśnienie pojęć i wskaźników dla cieczy palnych, gazów i pyłów / 1
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