- Analysis of the criteria for determination of slenderness of reinforced columns. Analiza kryteriów wykorzytywanych do określania smukłości kolumn żelbetowych / 1
- Analysis of the dynamic influences on the lowland gate in Gdansk. Analiza dynamicznych wpływów na "Nizinne Wrota" w Gdańsku / 1
- Analysis of the effect of aluminum dust on the parameters of emulsion explosives. A literature review. 1
- Analysis of the effect oo an external fire on the safety operation of a power plant. / 1
- Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Rescuers Individual Protection during Action in Case of Industrial Accidents. 1
- Analysis of the Evacuation of the World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001 / 1
- Analysis of the Flammable and Thermal Properties of the Selected Floor Coverings 1
- Analysis of the gases evolved during the thermal decomposition and combustion of epoxy resins. 1
- Analysis of the Influence of the Variation of Basic Physical Parameters of Insulating Materials on Penetrating Heat Through the Building Baffle 1
- Analysis of the load carrying capacity of the masonry walls of the palace of Birżai Castle. Analiza nośności ścian murowanych zamku w Birżai / 1
- Analysis of the occurrence of major industrial accidents in Poland. 1
- Analysis of the Shape of the Conoidal Part of the Fire-hose Nozzle on its Hydraulic Properties 1
- Analysis of the Sorption Process for Brake Fluid and Diesel after the Application of the Compact Sorbent = Analiza procesu sorpcji dla płynu hamulcowego i oleju napędowego po zastosowaniu sorbentu compakt / 1
- Analysis of the Spray Angle Effect on the Sprinkling Intensity Distribution in the Spray Jet for the Turbo Master 52 Nozzle 1
- Analysis of the Spray Angle Effect on the Sprinkling Intensity Distribution in the Spray Jet for the Turbo Master 52 Nozzle / 1
- Analysis of the Thermal Degradation Products from Solid Wood and Wooden Composites. Analiza degradacji cieplnej produktów z twardego drewna i mieszanki drzewnej / 1
- Analysis of the Threatening Risk of the Bratislava Municipality by a Dangerous Substance Escaping from the Winter-games Stadium [praca dyplomowa] / 1
- Analysis of the Usefulness of the Mobile Evacuation Floating Platform in Rescue Operations = Analiza przydatności Mobilnej Ewakuacyjnej Platformy Pływającej w działaniach ratowniczych / 1
- Analysis of trends in aviation maintenance risk: An empirical approach / 1
- Analysis of Vehicle Fire Statistics in New Zealand Parking Buildings / 1
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