- Analysis of Calls Made to Emergency Number 112 1
- Analysis of changing residential fire dynamics and its implications on firefighter operational timeframes / 1
- Analysis of characteristics of pedestrian flow on staircases during fire / 1
- Analysis of composite steel - reinforced concrete (SRC) columns / 1
- Analysis of detonation parameters and physicochemical properties of ANFO and emulsion explosives in the aspect of potential impact on the environment. 1
- Analysis of Education for Safety System in Poland. 1
- Analysis of evacuation conditions during internal fire with different inflammable materials using computer simulation method. Analiza ewakuacji podczas pożaru wewnętrznego przy pomocy symulacji komputerowej / 1
- Analysis of evacuation procedures in high speed trains fires / 1
- Analysis of factors of fires formation, their development and safety of people during the emergency situations in higher number of storeys buildings 1
- Analysis of fatalities and injuries in building fire statistics. / 1
- Analysis of fire and explosion hazards of some hydrocarbon - air mixtures / 1
- Analysis of fire gases released from polyurethane and fire-retarded poluurethane coatings / 1
- Analysis of Fire Hazards Associated with the Installation of Fireplace Inserts in Existing Buildings, based on Actual Incidents . 1
- Analysis of Fireground Standard Operating Guidelines / Procedures Compliance for Austin Fire Department / 1
- Analysis of heat transfer in road pavement structures using methods of optimization. Analiza transferu ciepła w nawierzchni drogi, przy wykorzystaniu metod optymalizacji / 1
- Analysis of heated structures: Nature and modelling benchmarks. / 1
- Analysis of Influence of the Spray Angle on Sprinkling Intensity Distribution in the Spray Stream Produced by the Selected Turbo Type Fire-Hose Nozzle = Analiza wpływu kąta rozpylenia na rozkład intensywności zraszania w strumieniu rozpylonym wytwarzanym przez wybraną prądownicę wodną typu Turbo / 1
- Analysis of key equations in a two-layer zone model and application with symbolic mathematics in fire safety engineering / 1
- Analysis of large fault trees based on functional decomposition / 1
- Analysis of Major Incidents Caused by Accidental Emission of Nitrogen Compounds. 1
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