- Temperatura zapłonu a punkty wybuchowości - studium podobieństwa wybranych parametrów wybuchowości substancji niebezpiecznych / 1
- Temperatura zapłonu próbki kompozycji zapachowej [praca naukowo-badawcza] / 1
- Temperature and velocity distributions of a ceiling jet along and inclined ceiling - Part 1: Approximation with exponential function / 1
- Temperature and velocity distributions of a ceiling jet along and inclined ceiling - Part 2: Approximation based on cubic function and coordinate transformation / 1
- Temperature calculation in fire safety engineering / 1
- Temperature dependence of thermal induced mesocracks around limestone aggregate in normal concrete / 1
- Temperature development in structural stainless steel sections exposed to fire. / 1
- Temperature diagnostics in downward flame spreading process on solids / 1
- Temperature Distribution Induced by Fires in a Small Chamber with Forced Ventilation / 1
- Temperature dynamic in cable tunnel compartments during recirculation of combustion products for fire extinguishing. Określenie dynamiki temperatury w kablach tunelowych podczas recyrkulacji produktów spalania dla środków gaśniczych / 1
- Temperature increments of modern down conductors intercepting lightning current. 1
- Temperature inside burning polymer specimens: Pyrolysis zone and shielding / 1
- Temperature profile of ceiling jet flow along an inclined unconfined ceiling / 1
- Temperature stratification in tunnels / 1
- Temperature-resistant coverings for construction materials 1
- Temperatures during fire tests on structure and its prediction according to Eurocodes. / 1
- Temperatures in unprotected joints between steel beams and concrete - filled tubular columns in fire. / 1
- Temperatures of Restricted Turbulent Fire Plumes / 1
- Temperaturnoe pole plastovogo samonagrevanija nasypi v silose / 1
- Temperaturostijki pokrittja dlja konstrukcijnnich materialiv = Temperature-resistant coverings for construction materials / 1
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