- Study on flashover in a single chamber lined with combustible materials / 1
- Study on heat conduction of combined fireproof material to concrete with piping penetration / 1
- Study on leak - acoustics generation mechanism for natural gas pipelines / 1
- Study on numerical simulation for the distribution of carbon monoxide in one closed-end tunnel fire / 1
- Study on probability distribution of fire scenarios in risk assessment to emergency evacuation / 1
- Study on spontaneous ignition of stored food waste to be used for recycling / 1
- Study On The Assessment Of Selecting Halon Replacement Fire Extinguishing Agents / 1
- Study on the effectiveness of visual alarm devices used in fire alarm systems installed in industrial facilities. 1
- Study on the effects of heat flux levels on heat release rate of wood / 1
- Study on the flame-retardance and thermal stabilit of the acid anhydride-cured epoxy resin flame-retarded by triphenyl phospathe and hydrated alumnia / 1
- Study on the flame-retarding mechanism of brominated polystyrene waste in cured epoxty resin / 1
- Study on the generation of perfluorooctane from the aqueous film - forming foam / 1
- Study on The Smoke Control Performance of Elevator Doors / 1
- Study on the thermal degradation of cellulosic fibers treated with flame retardants / 1
- Study on the thermal degradation of flame retardants wools / 1
- Study on the thermal degradation of wood treated with amino resin and amino resin modified with phosphoric acid / 1
- Study on visible IR radiative properties of personal protective clothings for firefighting / 1
- Study visits on polish borders of the Special Services committee of polish parliament in 2018 1
- Studying preparedness in teaching hospitals affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences, 2006 / 1
- Studying the dynamics of temperature change in the under suit space of the rescuer = Badanie dynamiki zmian temperatury zachodzących w przestrzeni pod odzieżą ochronną ratownika / 1
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