- Vagony - cisterny: ustrojstvo, remont i ekspluatačija / 1
- Vakuumnye uplotnenija / 1
- Validation of the buildingEXODUS evacuation model / 1
- Validation of turbulence models in heavy gas dispersion over obstacles / 1
- Validierung von Sicherheitkonzepten / 1
- Value proposition for power water craft. / 1
- Value-based fire safety: a new regulatory model for mitigating human error / 1
- Vapor-liquid activity coefficients for methanol and ethanol from heat of solution data: application to steam-methane reforming / 1
- Vapour Suppresion wirh Class B Foams / 1
- Varařdin 2005: CTIF-Feuewehrolympiade. 1
- Varařdin: Medunarodno Vatrogasno Natjecanje i Medunarodno Natjecanje Vatrogasne Mladeři = Międzynarodowe Zawody Straży Pożarnych i Kadetów Szkół Oficerskich / 1
- Variation of heat release rate with forced longitudinal ventilation for vehicle fires in tunnels / 1
- Variation of mass combustion rate with oxygen concentration and gas pressure of a Milleu / 1
- Varseblivningstid och Reaktionstid vid Utrymning / 1
- Vatrogasac : Šasopis Udruřenja Profesionalnih Vatrogasaca Jugoslavije. 2
- Vatrogasna technika. Technika pożarnicza / 1
- VDI-Forschungsheft 504: Schlägermühlen zur Kohlemahlung. Zeszyt naukowy VDI 504: Wykorzystanie specjalnego młota do rozpylania węgla / 1
- VdS 2093,pl: 2017-08 (04) 1
- VdS : 2019-05 (08). 1
- VdS 2095pl : 2020-05 (07) 1
Wyświetlono rekordy 67381-67400 z 79118