- Using FDS to Simulate Smoke layer Interface Height in a Simple Atrium / 1
- Using financial instruments to define risk registers / 1
- Using geographic informations systems in assessment of major hazards of liquefied petroleum gas / 1
- Using heat o f combustion data to estimate or assess some threshold flammability properties of materials / 1
- Using heat release rate to assess combustibility of building products in the cone calorimeter / 1
- Using illness as a weapon / 1
- Using Ligtweight Portable Monitors for Quick Knockdowns / 1
- Using liquid superheating energy for a quick estimation of overpressure in BLEVE`s and similar explosions / 1
- Using natural depressurisation to protect penetrations through a fire-resisting compertment wall / 1
- Using neural networks to assess flight deck human - autamtion interaction / 1
- Using NFPA 1500 to develop a health and safety program / 1
- Using of simulation programms for heat outflow detection in building partitions / 1
- Using past lessons to prepare future leaders / 1
- Using Power Tools Efficiently and Safely / 1
- Using real-life data for community fire safety purposes: should occupants be encouraged to fight fires in buildings ? / 1
- Using sensor signals to analyze fires / 1
- Using SMARTFIRE to predict pre-flashover room fire temperatures: an analysis of the SMARTFIRE simulations undertaken by the university of canterbury / 1
- Using the F - world / 1
- Using thermal imagers to help in hazmat incidents. 1
- Using Thermal Imaging Camera / 1
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