- The Psychology of Pandemics : Preparing for the Next Global Outbreak of Infectious Disease / 1
- The psychosocial burdens of COVID-19 / 1
- The quantification of the risk of fire spread within a building / 1
- The quantitative assessment of domino effects caused by overpressure. Part. I. Probit models. / 1
- The quantitative assessment of domino effects caused by overpressure. Part. II / 1
- The Quay to success / 1
- The rate of pressure rise of gaseous propylene-air explosions in spherical and cylindrical enclosures / 1
- The reaction of fire plume to droplet spray / 1
- The real deal / 1
- The Reconstruction of Fire-Damaged Industrial Steel Halls. 1
- The red & green rescue machine. Report between a fire service professional and specialist in immediate medical care / 1
- The reduced stiffness factor of the RC beam-to-column frame joint. Zmniejszenie współczynnika sztywności połączeń RC dźwigarów do ramy kolumny / 1
- The relationship between smoke concentration some distance down the hallway and the opening of the room of fire origin / 1
- The Relative Fire Frequency of Different Industries. Względna gęstość pożarów w różnych gałęziach przemysłu / 1
- The Rescue Cablelight / 1
- The rescue company / 1
- The Rescue Company / 1
- The response time of the real-time monitoring system of the consumption level of ammonia vapor absorbing respiratory protective equipment. 1
- The response to intolerable life risk. 1
- The response to the "mother of all storms": a combat agency view / 1
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