- The chimney as a cultural and technological element of buildings - a historical outline based on the case study of the Balkan States. 1
- The chimney as a technological challenge of modern times : a monograph / 1
- The Chornobyl Accident: a Comprehensive Risk Assessment. Katastrofa w Czernobylu. Ocena ryzyka. / 1
- the chosen problems of the social homogenization in sweden. national minorities, immigration and terrorism in contemporary swedish society / 1
- The CIPP evaluation model : how to evaluate for improvement and accountability / 1
- The Civilian in War: the Home Front in Europe, Japan and the USA in World War II / 1
- The Classification of Fire Hazards and Extinction Methods. Klasyfikacja materiałów niebezpiecznych i metody gaszenia / 1
- The coalition for responsible fire protection / 1
- The collection and analysis of pre-evacuation times derived from evacuation trials and their application to evacuation modelling / 1
- The Communication disorders workbook / 1
- The Competences of the Commander of the Rescue Operation 1
- The Comprehensive Protection of Buildings. Kompleksowa ochrona budynków / 1
- The Compressed Air Foam Systems Handbook. Podręcznik systemów piany sprężonej / 1
- The computational analysis of the steel industrial hall including fire construction. 1
- The Computer Modelling of Extinction. Komputerowe modelowanie gaszenia / 1
- The Concealed Weaknesses of Strong Early Warning Systems. The Case of Mexico = Ukryte słabe strony silnych systemów wczesnego ostrzegania. Przypadek Meksyku / 1
- The concentric chimney and air supply ducts - directions of chimney systems development in housing perspective / 1
- The Concept of Financial Investigation in the Polish and International Specialist Literature / 1
- The Concept of Modern Social Pathology. 1
- The concept of public security and public order. 1
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