- The case for Home Fire Sprinklers / 1
- The case for voice alarms / 1
- The catastrophic fires of 1998 / 1
- The Causes, Progression and Consequences of the River Oder Floods in Summer 1997 Including Remarks on the Existence of Risk Potential. Przyczyny, rozwój i konsekwencje powodzi na Odrze latem 1997 roku. Uwagi na temat potencjalnego ryzyka / 1
- The CBRN threat / 1
- The challenge of a world-wide cultural diversity: is cross-cultural education a necessity to eradicate the couse of terrorism? / 1
- The challenges of childhood arson and pyromania in schools / 1
- The changing face of foam / 1
- The changing face of wildfires / 1
- The Changing Skyline: Super and Mega Tall Buildings / 1
- The Chemical Suicide Phenomenon / 1
- The chemical weapons convention jeopardizes security. Komnwemncja o broni chemicznej naraża bezpieczeństwo / 1
- The chemical weapons convention needs ratification. Konwencja o broni chemicznej wymaga ratyfikacji / 1
- The chemistry and uses of fire retardants / 1
- The chemistry knowledge for Firefighters / 1
- The chemistry of the destruction of organophosphorus compounds in flames. III. The destruction of DMMP and TMP in a flame of hydrogen and oxygen / 1
- The Chernobyl disaster: Its effect on Belarus and Ukraine / 1
- The Chicago firefighting action plan / 1
- The chimney and its functions - the origin, terminology, notions / 1
- The chimney as a construction product - basic conditions / 1
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