- Social capital and livelihood recovery: post-tsunami Sri Lanka as a case / 1
- Social conflicts on cultural background caused by glonalization. 1
- Social engineering / 1
- Social Engineering as a Cybercrime Tool — Criminological and Forensic Analysis 1
- Social influence during the initial phase of a fire evacuation - Analysis of evacuation experiments in a cinema theatre. / 1
- Social leraning in managing disasters in Malaysia / 1
- Social media and risk communication / 1
- Social Media and Terrorism / 1
- Social media and the Fire Service / 1
- Social media for emergency risk communication / 1
- Social media signals for monitoring your risk. 1
- Social motivation, justice, and the moral emotions : an attributional approach, 1
- Social network analysis of the Korean disaster - safety industry. / 1
- Social Prevention as a Method for Preventing Threats. 1
- Social security monograph 1
- Social Sience Approaches in Disaster Research: Selected Research Issues and Findings on Mitigating Natural Hazards in the Urban Environment. Badania nad katastrofami w ujęciu socjologiczno-naukowym: Wybrane zagadnienia badawcze i ustalenia dotyczące zapobiegania zagrożeniom naturalnym na terenie zabudowanym / 1
- Social Support Given to the Soldiers of the Polish Armed Forces Returning from the Military Operations 1
- Social vulnerability analysis for sustainable disaster mitigation planning in coastal Bangladesh / 1
- Social'noe obespečenie monografiâ 1
- Sociałno-psichologiczeskie i pravovye aspekty formirovanija kułtury bezopastnosti / 1
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