- Risk - based inspection for large - scale crude oil tanks / 1
- Risk / 1
- Risk Abstracts: a Quarterly Journal of Abstracts, Reviews and References. 2
- Risk analysis and assessment methodologies in the work sites: On a review, classification and comparative study of the scientific literature of the period 2000-2009 / 1
- Risk analysis in building fire safety engineering / 1
- Risk analysis major industrial accident on the city Zilina [praca dyplomowa] / 1
- Risk analysis of fire and evacuation events in the European railway transport network / 1
- Risk analysis of fire cases on mixed - use residential and commercial buildings by computer simulated evaluation / 1
- Risk analysis of LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) vehicles in enclosed car parks / 1
- Risk analysis of underground infrastructures in urban areas / 1
- Risk Analysis: a quantitative guide / 1
- Risk and emergency management / 1
- Risk and mitigation of self-heating and spontaneous combustion in underground coal storage / 1
- Risk and Public Policy: Towards a High-Trust Democracy. Ryuzyko i bezpieczeństwo publiczne: W kierunku Demokracji wysokiego-zaufania. / 1
- Risk and the war on terror / 1
- Risk Assessment / 1
- Risk Assessment and Decision Making in Business and Industry: a Practical Guide. Oszacowanie ryzyka oraz decyzje podejmowane w biznesie i przemyśle: przewodnik praktyczny / 1
- Risk assessment and environmental policy making / 1
- Risk assessment and firefighter safety: patterns of injury in the UK - the UK and USA compared / 1
- Risk assessment of a timber frame building by using CRISP simulation / 1
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