- Simple Analytical and Numerical Techniques for Modeling Flame Spread on Solids. Proste techniki analityczne i numeryczne do modelowania płomienia rozwijającego się nad paliwem / 1
- Simple determination of performance of explosives without using any experimental data / 1
- Simple math / 1
- Simple method for predicting pressure behavior during gas explosions in confined spaces considering flame instabilities / 1
- Simple model for control of fire gases in a ventilated tunnel / 1
- Simplified Calculation Method for Determining Smoke Downdrag Due to a Sprinkler Spray / 1
- Simplified smoke filling equation for a single enclosure / 1
- Simplifying the Accessibility (Disability) Myth / 1
- Simpson medycyna sądowa / 1
- Simpson’s forensic medicine 1
- Simpson"s forensic medicine. 1
- Simulated Fires in Substances of Pesticide Type. Symulacja pożaru pestycydów / 1
- Simulating one of the CIB W14 round robin test cases using SMARTFIRE FIRE FIELD MODELS / 1
- Simulating Smoke Movement Through Long Vertical Shafts on Zone-type Compartment Fire Models / 1
- Simulation framework for practical cyber security training in the public service / 1
- Simulation Maschinelle Entrauchung = Symulacja automatycznego oddymiania [Dokument elektroniczny]. 1
- Simulation of a tunnel fire and optimization of the ventilation system with the use of numerical fluid dynamics [Symulacja pożaru w tunelu oraz optymalizacja układu wentylacji przy wykorzystaniu numerycznej mechaniki fluidów] / 1
- Simulation of Combustion and Fire - Induced Flows in Enclosures / 1
- Simulation of hydrodynamic processes and identification of leakage of pipeline. Symulacja hydrodynamicznych procesów i identyfikacja przecieków z rurociągów / 1
- Simulation of Mass Fire-Spread in Urban Densely Built Areas Based on Irregular Coarse Cellular Automata / 1
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