- Python essential reference 1
- Quady w ratownictwie / 1
- Quake in Sumatra / 1
- Quake lays waste to South Asia / 1
- Qualifications and professional competencies of the construction manager in Portugal : the impact of the Bologna Process = [Kwalifikacje i kompetencje zawodowe menedżerów konstrukcji budowlanych w Portugalii : wpływ procesu bolońskiego] / 1
- Qualitätsmanagement der Fort und Weiterbildung / 1
- Qualitätsmanagement in der Integrierten Leitstelle / 1
- Qualities of Effective Incident Commanders / 1
- Quality analyses of tertiary education facilities: virtual university and the real physical built environment - an attempt at determining the interrelation between them / 1
- Quality and quantity / 1
- Quality evaluation of steel plate reinforced concrete via nondestructive ultrasonic wave measurement after standard fire condition / 1
- Quality of emergency stair travel devices / 1
- Quantified risk assessment. Risk assessment and manage ment, environmetal technologies. 1
- Quantifying error and uncertainty in CFAST 2,0 temperature predictions / 1
- Quantifying fire model evaluation using functional analysis / 1
- Quantifying reliability uncertainty from catastrophic and margin defects: A proof of concept / 1
- Quantifying the added value of an imperfectly performing condition monitoring system - Application to a wind turbine gearbox / 1
- Quantifying the vulnerabilities of ceramic tile roofing assemblies to ignition during a firebrand attack / 1
- Quantitative assessment in safety reports of the consequences from the detonation of solid explosive / 1
- Quantitative assessment of domino and NaTech scenarios in complex industrial areas / 1
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