- RiMEA - A German - speaking guidelines for microscopic evacuation analyses of buildings goes international / 1
- Ring the changes / 1
- Rise in structural steel temperatures during ISO 9705 room fires / 1
- Risiken der Einsatzstelle - Elektromobilität / 1
- Risiko Hochwasser / 1
- Risikoanalyse / 1
- Risikobewertung - halb voll oder halb leer? / 1
- Risikomanagement in der Höhenrettung / 1
- Risikomanagement: Könen die Feuerwehren von anderen Branden lernen? / 1
- Risikowahrnehmung bei Kindern / 1
- Rising From the Ashes: Development Strategies in Times of Disaster. Odrodzenie z popiołów: rozwój strategii działań podczas katastrof / 1
- Rising level of water rescue investigation. 1
- Rising to the challenge / 2
- Risk - averse decision - making for civil infrastructure exposed to low - probability, high - consequences events / 1
- Risk - based inspection for large - scale crude oil tanks / 1
- Risk / 1
- Risk Abstracts: a Quarterly Journal of Abstracts, Reviews and References. 2
- Risk analysis and assessment methodologies in the work sites: On a review, classification and comparative study of the scientific literature of the period 2000-2009 / 1
- Risk analysis in building fire safety engineering / 1
- Risk analysis major industrial accident on the city Zilina [praca dyplomowa] / 1
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