- Relacyjna moc darów troski i ofiarność druhów ochotniczych straży pożarnych : perspektywa krytycznego realizmu i ontologii społecznej / 1
- Relations between un sustainable development golas and societal security 1
- Relationship Between the tasks Aimed at the Prevention of Extraordinary Incident, the Preparation for the Mitigation of their Consequences and the System of Protection. / 1
- Relatywistyczna teoria kwantów. 2
- Relay - Pump Operations. Tips for safe & efficient relay pumping / 1
- Release of hazardous substances into the environment during the medical waste disposal and associated health risks. 1
- Release of pollutants into the environment as a result of landfill fires and their impact on human health in the context of health education. 1
- Relevant model complexity for non-charring polymer pyrolysis / 1
- Reliability analysis of maintenance operations for railway tracks / 1
- Reliability analysis of reinforced concrete columns exposed to fire / 1
- Reliability analysis of safety - instrumented systems operated in high - demand mode / 1
- Reliability Based Design of Fire Exposed Concrete Structures. Podstawy projektowania konstrukcji betonowych narażonych na pożar / 1
- Reliability Based Design of Fire Exposed Timber Structures: State of Art and Summary Design Guide / 1
- Reliability Data on Fire Sprinkler Systems : Collection, Analysis, Presentation, and Validation / 1
- Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: a Practical Guide / 1
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 2
- Reliability modeling and analysis for a novel design of modular converter system of wind turbines / 1
- Reliability of the thermal treated timber and wood-based materials in high temperatures / 1
- Reliable Communications and Hazard Zone / 1
- Relief - a simple zone model to predict fire behavior in enclosures with wall linings / 1
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