- Porozumienia. 1
- Porozumienie dla Ukrainy / Anna Łańduch [wywiad z gen. bryg. Andrzejem Bartkowiakiem - komendantem głównym PSP] 1
- Porozumienie o współpracy pomiędzy Głównym Inspektorem Pracy a Komendantem Głównym Państwowej Straży Pożarnej. 1
- Porozumienie ze zwierzęciem / 1
- Porozumienie zobowiązuje. / 1
- Port lotniczy w Manchesterze / 1
- Port Ramsgate. Investigating the walkway collapse. 1
- Porta-CAFS - po polsku: pieniacz / 1
- Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by fire fighting pumps - Portable monitors - Part 1: General requirements for portable monitor assemblies. 1
- Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by fire fighting pumps - Portable monitors - Part 2: Water nozzles 1
- Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by fire fighting pumps - Portable monitors - Part 3: Foam devices. 1
- Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by fire fighting pumps -- Portable foam equipment -- Part 1: Inductors PN 16. 1
- Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by fire fighting pumps -- Portable foam equipment -- Part 2: Pick-up tubes. 1
- Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by fire fighting pumps -- Portable foam equipment -- Part 3: Low and medium expansion handheld foam branchpipes PN 16 1
- Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by firefighting pumps - Hand-held branchpipes for fire service use - Part 1: Common requirements. 1
- Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by firefighting pumps - Hand-held branchpipes for fire service use - Part 2:Combination branchpipes PN 16 1
- Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by firefighting pumps - Hand-held branchpipes for fire service use - Part 3 : Smooth bore jet and/or one fixed spray jet angle branchpipes PN 16. 1
- Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by firefighting pumps - Hand-held branchpipes for fire service use - Part 4 : High pressure branchpipes PN 40 1
- Portable fire extinguishers - Construction, resistance to pressure, mechanical tests 1
- Portable fire extinguishers - Part 1: Description, duration of operation, class A and B fire test 1
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