- On designing horizontal ceiling vent in an Atrium / 1
- On discrete-continous stochastic floor field pedestrian dynamics model SigMA.DC / 1
- On Fire Flames Out of Vertical Openings. Rozprzestrzenianie się płomieni przez otwory pionowe / 1
- On free-flow velocities for groups / 1
- On ice / 1
- On knowing what to do: Environmentalism and the modern problematic. Wiedzieć co robić: ekologia i współczesna problematyka / 1
- On modelling the separation and reunion of social groups / 1
- On models of spreading pools / 1
- On numerical comparison of enclosure fire in a multicompartment building / 1
- On radiant network models of thermocouple error in pre and post flashover compartment fires / 1
- On scene with Air Rescue 5 / 1
- On the A-list / 1
- On the analysis of hydrocarbon leaks in the Norwegian offshore industry / 1
- On the application of computational fluid dynamics codes for liquefied natural gas dispersion / 1
- On the deluge system: codes review review and key scientific aspects / 1
- On the edge / 1
- On the emission of radiation by flames and corresponding absorption by vegetation in forest fires. / 1
- On the equivalence of compressive concrete diagrams in analysis of flexural reinforced concrete elements. O równoważności diagramów betonu sprężonego w analizie zginania elementów żelbetowych / 1
- On the extrapolation of CFD results for smoke and heat control in reduced-scale set-ups to full scale: Atrium configuration / 1
- On the flash point of benzoic acid, part 2: experimental measurements / 1
Wyświetlono rekordy 41421-41440 z 79118