- Meteorologia w zastosowaniu do pożarnictwa : Wpływ temperatury i wilgotności na bezpieczeństwo pożarowe - dalszy ciąg / 1
- Meteorologia w zastosowaniu do pożarnictwa / 1
- Methane - air detonation experiments at NIOSH Lake Lynn Laboratory / 1
- Method for calculation of stress-strain state parameters in normal sections of structural members. Metoda obliczeń parametrów stanu rozciągania, w normalnych przekrojach elementów budowlanych / 1
- Method for evaluating learning from incidents using the idea of "level of learning" / 1
- Method of determination of loss of prestressing forcein strands exposed to standardised fire / 1
- Method of linearization for direct probability-statistic based codes for structures and foundations. Metoda linearyzacji w zastosowaniu do tworzenia przepisów prawnych opartych na obliczeniach statystycznych i rachunku prawdopodobieństwa / 1
- Method of test for resistance to fire of unprotected small cables for use in emergency circuits 1
- Method of test for resistance to fire of unprotected small cables for use in emergency circuits. 1
- Méthode cross training, 1
- Methode et organisation de la prévision / 1
- Methoden der risikoorientierten Brandschutzbedarfsplanung / 1
- Methoden moderner Jugendarbeit: vom Activing zum Zwischenspiel / 1
- Methoden zur effektiven Rettung bei "schweren" Verkersunfāllen / 1
- Methodical basis of energy-enviroment analysis of building within its life-cycle 1
- Methodologies employed in the collection, retrieval and storage of human factors information derived from first hand accounts of survivors of the WTC disaster of 11 september 2001 / 1
- Methodology for functional safety assessment of protective systems for potentially explosive atmospheres. 2
- Methodology for identyfying industrial facilities which pose a risk of accident effects outside their area. 1
- Methodology for Reducing the Duration of the Free Devekopment of Fire. = Metodologija umen`szenija prodolżitel`nosti svobodnogo razvitija pożara = Metodologia skrócenia czasu swobodnego rozwoju pożaru. / 1
- Methodology for the quantificationof toxic dispersions originated in warehouse fires and its application to the QRA in Catalonia (Spain) / 1
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