- Inferno w wiosce 1
- Influence : science and practice / 1
- Influence of carbon nanotubes on fire behaviour and aerosol emitted during combustion of thermoplastics / 1
- Influence of cement properties on rheology of fresh cement mortars without and with superplasticizer / 1
- Influence of CF3I and CBrF3 on Methanol - Air and Methane - Air Premixed Flames / 1
- Influence of cover thickness on the mechanical properties of steel bar in mortar exposed to high temepratures / 1
- Influence of curing conditions on properties of polymer-cement composities. Wpływ warunków otzymywania na własności kompozytów polimerowo-cementowych / 1
- Influence of curing conditions on the fatigue strenght and cyclic creep of compressive concrete. Wpływ warunków utwardzania na wytrzymałość zmęczeniową i okresowe pełzanie betonu sprężonego / 1
- Influence of decreased sample size on cone calorimeter results / 1
- Influence of different types of reinforcement on strength of mortar beams. Wpływ różnych typów zbrojeń na wytrzymałość zapraw dźwigarów / 1
- Influence of drying on the final properties of ceramics. Wpływ suszenia na końcowe właściwości nateriałów ceramicznych / 1
- Influence of electrical power quality supplied to the equipments which must function during the fire on conditions of the evacuation / 1
- Influence of external heat flux and coating thickness on the thermal insulation properties of two different intumescent coatings using cone calorimeter and numerical analysis / 1
- Influence of fibre type on hardened properties of steel fibre reinforced concrete. Wpływ rodzaju włókna na utwardzanie żelbetonu / 1
- Influence of flame retardants on flammability of wood and wood based products : summary of doctoral dissertation : technological sciences, civil engineering / 1
- Influence of heat on non-ferrous objects: Metallurgical analysis in fire scene investigations / 1
- Influence of internal layer state on the carrying capacity of three-layer reinforced concrete beams. Wpływ wewnętrznego stanu warstwy na nośność trójwarstwowych dźwigarów żelbetowych / 1
- Influence of longitudinal reinforcement on development of normal cracks / 1
- Influence of mineral fillers on the fire retardant properties of wood-polypropylene composites / 1
- Influence of new generic frequencies on the QRA calculations for land use planning purposes in Walloon region (Belgium) / 1
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