- Investigation of nozzle hydraulic parameters for simultaneous solid and fog stream forming 1
- Investigation of oil vapor emission and its evaluation methods / 1
- Investigation of rising damp in brick walls using impendance tomography. Badanie wzrostu wilgotności w ścianach murowanych przy pomocy tomografii falowej / 1
- Investigation of Sprinkler Response Models and the Interaction Between Sprinklers and Fire Vents. Badanie modelu reakcji zraszaczy i współzależności między zraszaczmi a klapami dymowymi / 1
- Investigation of the effectiveness of explosion protected passenger airplanes 1
- Investigation of the explosive hazard of mixtures containing hydrogen peroxide and different alcohols / 1
- Investigation of the heat generation and spontaneous ignition of disaster waste generated after the 2011 Great East japan Earthquake / 1
- Investigation of the Influence of Structural Elements Devices on Dispersed Water Droplets to Precipitate the Product of Combustion and Reduce the Tempeature in the Volume of the Room During a Firer 1
- Investigation of the influence of the externally bonded carbon fibre reinforcement on the cracking of reinforced concrete members. Badania wpływu zewnętrznie powiązanych włókien węglowych zbrojenia na pękanie elementów żelbetowych / 1
- Investigation of the infuence of impregnation on the pine timber combustion using flow through tests / 1
- Investigation of the propensity of sulfide concentrates to spontaneous combustion in storage / 1
- Investigation of wooden structures fire resistance 1
- Investigation on the degradation and opening behavior of knife blade burst disks / 1
- Investigation on the performance of fire detection systems for tunnel applications - part 1: Full-scale experiments at a laboratory tunnel / 1
- Investigation on the performance of fire detection systems for tunnel applications - part 2: Full-scale experiments under longitudinal airflow conditions / 1
- Investigation the main parametres for the detection of cooking oil fires / 1
- Investigation: Causes of failures of sprinkler heads during maintenance testing / 1
- Investigations Into the Flow of Hot Gases in Roof Venting. Badania nad przepływem gorących gazów w urządzeniach wentylacji dachowej / 1
- Investigations of operating properties of ceramic masonry products in the multilayer enclosure. Badania własności ceramicznych wyrobów konstrukcyjnych w wielowarstwowej strukturze pomieszczenia / 1
- Investigations of the formation of explosive mixtures in dryers for coatings / 1
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