- Fire Fighting Facilities, Planning and Procedures. Officer Training. Zwalczanie pożarów: urządzeń, planowanie i procedura. Szkolenie prowadzącego wykłady / 1
- Fire fighting helmet standards ae a - changing: But are they changing fast enough? / 1
- Fire Fighting in Canada. 2
- Fire Fighting in Factories: Safety, Health and Welfare. Zwalczanie pożarów w fabrykach.Bezpieczeństwo zdrowie i opieka / 1
- Fire fighting in tanks with the use of operational inset system / 1
- Fire Fighting Pilot. Próby gaszenie pożarów. 3
- Fire fighting pumping systems at industrial facilities / 1
- Fire fighting pumps - Portable pumps - Safety and performance requirements, tests. 1
- Fire Fighting Strategy and Tactics: Featuring an 8-Step Process for Sizeup. Strategia i taktyka walki z pożarami: 8 kroków w procesie rozpoznania sytuacji. / 1
- Fire Fighting Tactics. Taktyka walki z pożarami / 1
- Fire figthing equipment. Standpipe 80. 1
- Fire Flow Tests. Badania prądów gaśniczych. 1
- Fire Focus: the Europan Journal for Firefighting and Fire Prevention. 2
- Fire From First Principles: A Design Guide to building fire safety / 1
- Fire Grading of Buildings: Pt.1 - General Principles and Structural Precautions. Klasy odporności ogniowej budynków. Cz.1 - zalecenia ogólne. 1
- Fire growth simulation in passenger rail vehicles using a simplified flame spread model for integration with CFD analysis / 1
- Fire hazard and explosive conditions - Parameters inflammability and explosion - Determination of the smoldering temperature and the dust layer. 1
- Fire hazard and explosive conditions - Parameters inflammability and explosion -Terms and definitions 1
- Fire hazard and explosive conditions - Parameters of inflammability and explosion - Determination of fibres thickness in mean laboratory sample. 1
- Fire hazard and explosive conditions - Parameters of inflammability and explosion - Determination of lower explosion limit dusts 1
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