- Experimental study on the mitigation of backdraft in compartment fires with water mist / 1
- Experimental study on the relationship between the charge amount of polypropylene granules and the frequency of electrostatic discharges while silo loading / 1
- Experimental study on the use of positive pressure ventilation for fire service interventions in buildings with staircases / 1
- Experimental study on thermal and toxic hazards connected to fire scenarios in road tunnels / 1
- Experimental study on water spray suppresion on burning upholstered chair in an enclosure with different application times / 1
- Experimental validation of relief - a zone model to predict fire behavior in enclosures with wall linings / 1
- Experimental, study on effevtiveness of interaction between pre-tensioned hollow-core slabs and concrete topping / 1
- Experimwental investigation of a dynamic behaviour of a dynamic bahaviour of a bulked rod. Eksperymentalne badania dynamicznego zachowania się masywnego prętu / 1
- Expert advice / 1
- Expert panel / 1
- Experts call for integrated flood management system / 1
- Exploring Natural Hazards : a case study approach / 1
- Explosibility Tests For Industrial Dusts. Badanie wybuchowości pyłów przemysłowych / 1
- Explosion am Berliner Erdgasspeicher / 1
- Explosion behavior of hydrogen - methane/air mixtures / 1
- Explosion Danger as one of basic Risks and Philosophy of its Elimination. Zagrożenie wybuchem jako jeden z podstawowych elementów ryzyka i sposoby jego eliminowania / 1
- Explosion dans un atelier de synthése d`aniline / 1
- Explosion eines Eisenbahnkesselwagens in Linz / 1
- Explosion eines Reihenwohnhauses in Köln-Buchheim / 1
- Explosion eines Tankzuges im Hafengebiet Manheim-Rheinau / 1
Wyświetlono rekordy 21501-21520 z 79118