- Immer wieder die Discounter / 1
- Immigrant integration policy and practices in Poland / 1
- Impact analysis of human factors on pedestrian traffic characetristics / 1
- Impact and adaptation to flood : A focus on water supply, sanitation and health problems of rural community in Bangladesh / 1
- Impact of a distant wildland fire on an LPG tank / 1
- Impact of atmospheric conditions on the range of threat zones - Comparative analysis of the results of threat modeling. 1
- Impact of climatic changes on ecological security. 1
- Impact of digital level wild NA3003 error investigations on construction engineering measurements. Wykorzystanie poziomicy cyfrowej "Wild Na 3003" do pomiaru błędu w badaniach inżynieryjnych konstrukcji / 1
- Impact of electric energy quality on fire safety of transformers / 1
- Impact of elevated temperature on the maximum explosion pressure of vapor of ethanol, methanol and isoamyl alcohols. 1
- Impact of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) on the Safety of Road Traffic. 1
- Impact of Solar Radiation on the Resistance of External Textile Used in Special Firefighter Clothing 1
- Impact of supervision over road transport on enhancing safety level on roads. 1
- Impact of the REACH regulation on the production of chemical substances in Poland in 2007-2018. 1
- Impact of the Type of Disability on the Evacuation Risk in Situations of Fires and Other Local Hazards 1
- Impact of transport of mixtures of natural gas and hydrogen on a functioning gas network. 1
- Impact of Water Mist Extinguisher Construction on Parameters of Generated Drops 1
- Impact of window thermal performance on room in air movement. Termiczne własności okien i ich wpływ na warunki cieplne w pomieszczeniu / 1
- Impact on public health and negation to attainment of Millennium development goal: the Ishiagu example 1
- Impacts of knots on mechanicalk parameters of rope used in fall arrest equipment. 1
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