- Crisis management at the government offices: a Swedish case study / 1
- Crisis management evolution in Poland / 1
- Crisis management in public administration : crisis management I. - theory of crisis management / 1
- Crisis Management Model for Large Urban Agglomerations = Model zarządzania kryzysowego dużą aglomeracją miejską = Model` krizisnogo upravlenija v bol`szoj gorodskoj aglomeracii / 1
- Crisis msnagement plans in context of contemporary hazards / 1
- Crisis response and climate change / 1
- Crisis Response Journal. 2
- Crisis response management procedures. 2
- Crisis response to attack on chemical infrastructures / 1
- Crisis, issues and reputation management / 1
- Crisp - a calculation tool / 1
- Criteria for evaluation of masonry - structure behavior in mining areas / 1
- Critical assessment / 1
- Critical Components of Size - Up / 1
- Critical evaluation of an integral model for the pyrolysis of charring materials. / 1
- Critical Incident Reporting System - Umgang mit Fehlern bei der Feuerwehr / 1
- Critical incident stress Debriefing / 1
- Critical Incident Stress Management: a New Era and Standard of Care in Crisis Intervention / 1
- Critical Incidents: the Psychological Aftermath / 1
- Critical information infrastructure protection in the Baltic Sea area: the case of TETRA. Ochrona krytycznej infrastruktury informacyjnej na obszarze Morza Bałtyckiego: przypadek TETRA / 1
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