- Disaster management: findings from a systematic review / 1
- Disaster Masters / 1
- Disaster mitigation strategies in Tehran, Iran / 1
- Disaster mitigation: the concept of vulnerability revisisted / 1
- Disaster Planning and Recovery: a Guide for Facility Professionals / 1
- Disaster planning: exercise dalmatian. 1
- Disaster Preparedness Handbook. Podręcznik przygotowania się do sytuacji kryzysowych. 1
- Disaster preparedness: a social-cognitive perspective / 1
- Disaster Prevention and Management : an international journal. 2
- Disaster psychology, emotional first aid for victims 1
- Disaster Recovery Planning: Strategies for Protecting Critical Information / 1
- Disaster Response: Principles of Preparation and Coordination. Odpowiedzialność za katastrofy, podstawy przygotowawcze i współpraca / 1
- Disaster response: risk, vulnerability and resilience / 1
- Disaster risk / 1
- Disaster training in the E.U / 1
- Disaster types / 1
- Disaster waste management guidelines / 1
- Disaster! Natural disaster of the world around us / 1
- Disasters and Democracy: the Politics of Extreme Natural Events / 1
- Disasters and emergencies: managing the response / 1
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