- Correlation between firefighting operation and fire area. Analysis of statistics / 1
- Correlation model to predict residual immiscible organic contaminants in sandy soils / 1
- Correlations among signatures for detection of different types of fires / 1
- Correlations between pyrolisis combustion flow calorimetry and conventional flammability tests with halogen - free flame retardant polyolefin compounds / 1
- Correlations for estimating flammability limits of pure fuels and fuel - inert mixtures / 1
- Corrosion Control Inside Water - filled Steel Fire Sprinkler Piping / 1
- Corrosion in the crude oil environment. Factors and monitoring. 1
- Coś drgnęło / 1
- Coś jest w powietrzu. Pył, chemikalia, czy wirusy, bakterie lub innego rodzaju materiał bilogiczny? 1
- Coś o pożarach - ekranowanie zwykłych materiałów znajduje zastosowanie w budownicctwie 1
- Coś śmierdzi...badanie tajemniczych zapachów dymu 1
- COSMO-Software for designing smoke control system in high-rise buildings / 1
- Cost - effective spillway design/review for small dams in Victoria: avoiding dam failure emergencies / 1
- COST Action C17: Built Heritage: Fire Loss to Historic Buildings: Conference Proceedinds. Straty popożarowe obiektów zabytkowych: sprawozdania konferencyjne. 4
- Cost of the ventilation system made of composites compared to traditional materials. 1
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Separation Distances - a utility-based approach to risk management decisionmaking. Analiza kosztów dotycząca rozdzielenia odległości ryzyka / 1
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Separation Distances: a Utility-Based Approach to Risk Management Decision-Making. Kosztowa analiza oddzielania dystansu: analiza oparta na podejmowaniu decyzji zarządzania ryzykiem / 1
- Cost-effective early warning detection for small critical areas / 1
- Costs of Security Understood as a Service Product Abstract / 1
- Counselors on call / 1
Wyświetlono rekordy 15961-15980 z 80861