- Analysis of principal gas products during combustion of polyether polyurethane foam at different irradiance levels. / 1
- Analysis of Problems for Effective Personal Protection of Rescuers in Case of Accident in Dangerous Chemical Facilities. 1
- Analysis of safety-critical software elements in offshore safety studies / 1
- Analysis of selected calculation models for evacuation times / 1
- Analysis of Selected Explosion Parameters of Hexane Vapour at Elevated Temperatures. 1
- Analysis of shear behaviour of masonry with hollow calcium silicate blocks. Analiza zachowania się ścinającego muru z wgłębieniami płytowymi wykonanymi z siarczanu wapnia / 1
- Analysis of Some Risk Assessment Methods Considering a Warehouseman Workplace in a Selected Company 1
- Analysis of steelconcrete constructions functioning under the influence of high temperature and ways of increase of their refractoriness 1
- Analysis of stone structures designing methods and their influence on the fire development 1
- Analysis of stress and state of steel fiber reinforced concretebeams subjected to flexure and shear. Analiza naprężeń i stan stropów żelbetowych wzmocnionych włóknem stalowym, poddanych zgięciu i ścinaniu / 1
- Analysis of technique adapted for forest fires extinguishment 1
- Analysis of the behaviour of the structural concrete after the fire at the Windsor Building in Madrid / 1
- Analysis of the bombers` tactics and the consequences of a series of terrorist attacks in Brussels (22 March 2016). 1
- Analysis of The Cause of the Warsaw’s Subway No. 52 Inspiro Train Fire 1
- Analysis of the combustion process of low calorific waste gases in burners of various designs using the numerical calculation method. 1
- Analysis of the Competence of the Highest State Authorities in the Area of Safety Management 1
- Analysis of the criteria for determination of slenderness of reinforced columns. Analiza kryteriów wykorzytywanych do określania smukłości kolumn żelbetowych / 1
- Analysis of the dynamic influences on the lowland gate in Gdansk. Analiza dynamicznych wpływów na "Nizinne Wrota" w Gdańsku / 1
- Analysis of the effect of aluminum dust on the parameters of emulsion explosives. A literature review. 1
- Analysis of the effect oo an external fire on the safety operation of a power plant. / 1
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