- APoż otwiera drzwi. 1
- Appalling East European fire death rates / 1
- Apparatus Body Materials: Read Between the Lines / 1
- Appliance priority: minimising risk of injury / 1
- Application and limitations of a method based on pyrolysis models to simulate railway rolling stock fire scenarios / 1
- Application of a simple enthalpy - based pyrolysis model in numerical simulations of pyrolysis of charring materials / 1
- Application of a statistical narrow band model to CFD modelling of upward flame spread over PMMA walls / 1
- Application of analytic hierarchy process on deficiency of firefighting safety equipment / 1
- Application of artifical neural networks to determine concrete compressive strenght based on non - destructive tests / 1
- Application of code approach for emergency evacuation in a rail station / 1
- Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD for Modeling of Protection of Premises by Fixed Gaseous Extinguishing System. 1
- Application of dynamic damper for nonlinear systems with restriction. Zastosowanie dynamicznego tłumika do nieliniowych systemów / 1
- Application of dynamic damper for nonlinear systems with restriction. Zastosowanie dynamicznych amortyzatorów w nieliniowych układach z ograniczeniem / 1
- Application of Emergency Key Boxes – Ensuring Access to a Building when the Occupants are not Present for Fire and Rescue Operations. 1
- Application of fault tree analysis for customer reliability assessment of a distribution power system / 1
- Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings. 2
- Application of fire suppression materials on suppression of LNG pool fires / 1
- Application of fuzzy regression analysis using the example of estimation of apartment prices in Warsaw. Zastosowanie rozmytej analizy regresji na przykładzie szacowania cen apartamentów w Warszawie / 1
- Application of linear correlation method in detection of reason-effect relations among defects of building external walls thermal overcladdings. Zastosowanie metody liniowej korelacji w wykrywaniu przyczyn zniszczeń, termicznych okładzin zewnętrznych ścian budynku / 1
- Application of new investigation methods for rheological and technological properties of self-compacting concrete prognosis. Wykorzystanie nowych metod badań do określania własności reologicznych i technologicznych betonu / 1
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