- An Experimental Study of Well-Defined Turbulent Nonpremixed Spray Flames / 1
- An experimental study of wood crib extinguishment by a sprinkler spray / 1
- An improved two-layer zone model applicable to both pre- and post flashover fires / 1
- An improvement of estimation methods of highly-explosive features of gas combustible mixtures 1
- An inquiring mind: the effectiveness of public inquires / 1
- An insight into the structural behaviour of reinforced concrete beams with externally bonded plates / 1
- An instrument for determining the total water content in air when extinquishing fires / 1
- An integral model for turbulent flame radial lenghts under a ceiling / 1
- An Integral model for wood auto - ignition under Variable Heat Flux / 1
- An integrated approach for fire and explosion consequence modelling / 1
- An integrated numerical simulator for thermal performance assessment of firefighters` protective clothing / 1
- An Integrated Simulation Platform for Organisations Engaged with Crisis Management – a Coherent Virtual Environment. 1
- An Intelligent Evacuation, Rescue and Recovery Concept / 1
- An intergrative approach to disaster management and planning / 1
- an international journal 2
- An Introduction to Biological Agent Detection Equipment for Emergency First Responders: NIJ Guide 101-00. Podstawowe informacje dotyczące aparatury wykrywającej środki biologiczne w sytuacjach zagrożenia toksycznego ludzi. 1
- An Introduction to emergency exercise design and evaluation / 1
- An Introduction to Fire Dynamics / 1
- An introduction to multiagent systems = [Wprowadzenie do systemów wieloagentowych] / 1
- An Introduction to the Fire Service / 1
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