- An apparatus for screening fire suppression efficiency of dispersed liquid agents / 1
- An approach for domino effect reduction based on optimal layouts / 1
- An approach for modeling human cognitive behavior in evacuations models. / 1
- An automatically pre - alarm model for monitoring over heated cables / 1
- An avoidable ‘natural’ hazard? / 1
- An disaster approach to natural disaster mamangement / 1
- An eco-incinerator plant using modern waste disposal methods / 1
- An effective four-stage smoke detection algorithm using video images for early fire alarm systems / 1
- An efficient analytical Bayesian method for reliability and system response updating based on Laplace and inverse first - order reliability computations / 1
- An emissive power correlation for solid fuel packages / 1
- An empirical model of the yield of carbon monoxide in fires / 1
- An Engineering Approach to Fire-Fighting Tactics. Inżynieria taktyki walki z pożarami / 1
- An engineering model for the estimation of occupant premovement and or response times and the probability of their occurence / 1
- An engineering tool to calculate heat release rates of multiple objects in underground structures / 1
- An English-Reader's Dictionary / 1
- An Englishman's home .. / 1
- An estimate of the correction applied to radiant flame measurements due to attenuation by atmospheric CO2 and H2O / 1
- An evacuation model coupling with toxic effect for chemical industrial park / 1
- An Evacuation Model Using Cellular Automata. 1
- An evacuation model: the SGEM package. / 1
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