- A fuzzy logic procedure for ventilation control in case of fire in long tunnels. / 1
- A game theory based exit selection model for evacuation. / 1
- A general approach to validating evacuation models with an application to EXODUS / 1
- A General Stability Analysis of Structural Systems Subjected to Circulatory Loading or Thermal Radiation in the Elastic and Elasto-Plastic Range. Analiza stabilności konstrukcji w zależności od zmiennego obciążenia lub promieniowania termicznego w zakresie wytrzymałości plastycznej / 1
- A generalized relationship between the normalized yields of carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide / 1
- A giant step for water mist / 1
- A global soot model developed for fires: Validation in laminar flames and application in turbulent pool fires / 1
- A global view on ARAMIS a risk assessment methodology for industries in the framework of the SEVESO II Directive / 1
- A Glossary of Phrases With Prepositions: With Exercises. Słownik wyrazów idiomatycznych z ćwiczeniami / 1
- A green alternative to ionisation : Zielona alternatywa jonizacji / 1
- A guide for the 2021 - 2025 Administrations 1
- A guide fot the two thousand twenty-one -- two thousand twenty-five. 1
- A Guide to Fatal Fire Investigations / 1
- A Guide to Operational Risk Assessment: fire service guide: volume 3. 1
- A Guide to The Department od Energy's: Low-Level Radioactive Waste. Przewodnik: Odpady o niskiej radioaktywności. 1
- A hazard assessment methodology for large liquid hydrocarbon fuel tanks / 1
- A healthy alliance / 1
- A healthy dose of fire protection / 1
- A heat transfer model for firefighter's protective clothing / 1
- A helping hand for Japan / 1
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