- A simulation approach for ranking of fire safety attributes of existing buildings / 1
- A simulation of dynamic fracture of tension plate with randomly diastributed material properties by the discrete element method. Symulacja dynamiki pęknięć powstałych w wyniku naprężeń płyty z przypadkowo rozproszonymi własnościami materiału, przy pomocy metody dyskretnego elementu / 1
- A slug calorimeter for evaluating the thermal performance of fire resitive materials / 1
- A spatial-grid evacuation model for building / 1
- A Sprinkling of Common Sense. 1
- A Sticky Situation / 1
- A stochastic approach for simulating human behaviour during evacuation process in passenger trains / 1
- A strategic survival guide / 1
- A Strategy to develop engineering upward flame - spread evaluation methodology based on the linearized flame height approximation / 1
- A strike for safety / 1
- A structured system for fire investigator safety / 1
- A study for the fire safety planning of the Himeji-jo Castle, Main Tower / 1
- A study into the development of requirements concerning the physical and mentl suitability of firemen and candidate firemen / 1
- A study of evacuation from large retail stores / 1
- A study of spreading of crude oil in an ice chanel / 1
- A study of tactical patterns during fire fighting operations / 1
- A study of the behaviour of protected vessel containing LPG during pool fire engulfment / 1
- A study of the characteristics of flow rate and extinction in a flame arrester with radial slit structure / 1
- A Study of the Performance of Automatic Sprinkler Systems. Analiza skuteczności działania automatycznych urządzeń tryskaczowych / 1
- A study of wall and corner fire plumes / 1
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