- A normative model for integrating organisations for disaster risk reduction andclimate change adaptation within SADC member states / 1
- A note on estimation of intesities of fire ignitions with incomplete data. / 1
- A novel halogen-free and formaldehyde-free flame retardant for cotton fabrics / 1
- A novel knowledge database construction method for operation guidance expert system based on HAZOP analysis and accident analysis / 1
- A novel method for predicting the flash points of organosislicon compounds from molecular structures / 1
- A novel method to evaluate fire test performance of water mist and water spray total compartment protection / 1
- A novel multiscale methodology for simulating tunnel ventilation flows during fires / 1
- A numerical investigation of the influence of pore pressures and thermally induced stresses for spalling of concrete exposed to elevated temperatures / 1
- A numerical model for concrete slabs under fire conditions / 1
- A numerical model for the behaviour of masonry under elevated temperature / 1
- A numerical study of gypsum plasterboard behaviour under standard and natural fire conditions / 1
- A numerical study of the interaction of water spray with a fire plume / 1
- A numerical study of water mist mitigation of tunnel fires. / 1
- A numerical study of water-mist suppression of large scale compartment fires / 1
- A one-day collapse rescue training program / 1
- A paired comparison approach to improve the quantification of management influences in air transportation / 1
- A partir du moment ou le risque est calculé / 1
- A perfect storm / 1
- A performance - based egress analysis of a hotel building using two models / 1
- A performance-based approach for evaluating fire resistance of prestressed concrete double T-beams / 1
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