- A study of spreading of crude oil in an ice chanel / 1
- A study of tactical patterns during fire fighting operations / 1
- A study of the behaviour of protected vessel containing LPG during pool fire engulfment / 1
- A study of the characteristics of flow rate and extinction in a flame arrester with radial slit structure / 1
- A Study of the Performance of Automatic Sprinkler Systems. Analiza skuteczności działania automatycznych urządzeń tryskaczowych / 1
- A study of wall and corner fire plumes / 1
- A study on large boilver using crude oil containing emulsified water. / 1
- A study on large-scale boilver using crude oil contyainiong emulsfied water. / 1
- A study on peolpe`s attitude to the use of elevators for fire escape / 1
- A Study On The Classification And Design Of Fire Protection Systems For Road Tunnels In Taiwan / 1
- A study on the effect of training interval on the use of computerized emergency operating procedures / 1
- A study on the reliability of fire water supply system in high-rise buildings / 1
- A study on the safety distance of open shelves in malls / 1
- A Study on Using Computer Models for Evacuation. Badanie wykorzystania modelu komputerowego do ewakuacji / 1
- A suggested cause of the fire-induced collapse of the World Trade Towers / 1
- A summary of some experimental data on LNG safety / 1
- A survey of 40 000 building fires in Switzerland / 1
- A survey of accidents occuring the transport of hazardous substances by road and rail / 1
- A survey of fire loads in elementary schools and high schools / 1
- A survey on gas leak detection and localization techniques / 1
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