- Statistic analysis of Lviv region fire safety factors 1
- Statistic for fire prevention in Sweden / 1
- Statistica 8 bliżej ciebie. 1
- STATISTICA PL [Dokument elektroniczny]. 1
- Statistica w badaniach naukowych i nauczaniu statystyki. 1
- Statistical analysis of dangerous chemical accidents in China / 1
- Statistical analysis of fire deaths by time, region and place of accident 1
- Statistical analysis of historical data and forecasts of the number of building fires caused by faulty electrical installation or connected to it electrical devices until the year 2021 1
- Statistical analysis of incidents reported in the Greek Petrochemical Industry for the period 1997 - 2003 / 1
- Statistical analysis of major accidents in petrochemical industry notofied to the major accident reporting system (MARS) / 1
- Statistical analysis on current status of China forest fire safety / 1
- Statistical determination of Ignition Frequence of Structural Fires in Different Premises in Finland / 1
- Statistical infomation / 1
- Statistical information / 77
- Statistical Information / 19
- Statistical Information. 10
- Statistical information. April 2004 - march 2005 / 1
- Statistical information. December 2003-November 2004 / 1
- Statistical Sampling and Risk Analysis in Auditing / 1
- Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Poland 3
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