- The investigation of briquettes characteristics made from low melting illite clay and mineral wool waste. Badanie charakterystyki brykietów wytworzonych z gliny iłowej o niskiej topliwości i z odpadów z wełny mineralnej / 1
- The investigation of fire growth in dwellings based on stochastic analysis - part II (The risk assessment method) / 1
- The investigation of fire growth in dwellings based on stochastic analysis / 1
- The investigation of the influence of some geometric parameter on extinguishing efficiency of whirling jet. Badanie wpływu niektórych parametrów geometrycznych na wydajność gaśniczą strumienia wirowego / 1
- The investigation of thermal stability of special materials in an open fire 1
- The investigations conduct in the field of internet crime. 1
- The invisible flame / 1
- The Iowa-Grimwood Formula: rate of flow formula for confined fires / 1
- The Italian Carabinieri Corps abroad: combat and crowd control in a special professionalism. Włoski korpus karabinierów za granicą / 1
- The Japanese approach to large building fires / 1
- The japanese approach to warehaouse fire safety / 1
- The John Zink Combustion Handbook / 1
- The Journal Fire Retardant Chemistry. 2
- The Journal of Fire and Flammability. 2
- The Journal of the British Fire Services Association. 2
- The Journal of the Fire Service College. 2
- The K-750 motorcycle catalogue of units and parts. 1
- The kinematic analysis of mechanism of the remote-controlled facility for fire extinquishing 1
- The kinetics of the combustion of trichloroethylene for low Cl/H ratios / 1
- The Kościuszko Foundation Dictionary English-Polish - Polish-English. 2
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