- The effect of Pre - movement time and occupant density on evacuation time / 1
- The effect of smoke vents on the sprinklers in a small compartment / 1
- The effect of surface coatings on fire growth over composite materials in a corner configuration / 1
- The effect of turbulence modelling on the CFD simulation of buoyant diffusion flames / 1
- The effect of turbulence on the rate of evaporation of LNG on water / 1
- The effect of ventilation on spontaneous heating of coal / 1
- The effect of water droplet size of water spray on liquid pool fire suppression / 1
- The effect of water droplet size on attenuation of fire thermal radiation / 1
- The effect of water mist on burning rates of pool fire / 1
- The effect of water sprays on fire fighter thermal imagers. / 1
- The effect ov variation in polymer properties on the rate of burning / 1
- The Effectiveness of Basic Resuscitation Activities Carried out by Combat Paramedics of the Police, as Exemplified by Polish Counterterrorist Units / 1
- The Effectiveness of the AGROPERLIT 200 Sorbent Compared to the COMPAKT Sorbent = Skuteczność sorbentu AGROPERLIT 200 w porównaniu z sorbentem COMPAKT / 1
- The effectiveness of thermal imaging cameras in search operations / 1
- The effectiveness of video surveillance systems in providing public security in towns / 1
- The effects of brominated flame retardants on the elements of fire hazard: A reexamination of earlier results / 1
- The effects of chemical protective suits on human performance / 1
- The Effects of Fire - Exposed Electrical Wiring Systems on Escape Potential From Buildings. Wpływ narażonych na działanie ognia przewodów instalacyjno - elektrycznych na możliwości ewakuacji budynków. 3
- The effects of fluid loss on firefighters / 1
- The effects of high temperature on compressive and flexural strenghts of ordinary and high - performance concrete. / 1
Viewed records 65741-65760 from 80861