- The Comprehensive Protection of Buildings. Kompleksowa ochrona budynków / 1
- The Compressed Air Foam Systems Handbook. Podręcznik systemów piany sprężonej / 1
- The computational analysis of the steel industrial hall including fire construction. 1
- The Computer Modelling of Extinction. Komputerowe modelowanie gaszenia / 1
- The Concealed Weaknesses of Strong Early Warning Systems. The Case of Mexico = Ukryte słabe strony silnych systemów wczesnego ostrzegania. Przypadek Meksyku / 1
- The concentric chimney and air supply ducts - directions of chimney systems development in housing perspective / 1
- The Concept of Financial Investigation in the Polish and International Specialist Literature / 1
- The Concept of Modern Social Pathology. 1
- The concept of public security and public order. 1
- The Concept of Safe Evacuation From Sea Faring Vessels at the Port of Szczecin in Circumstances Occasioned by Terrorist Threats during Mass Events. 1
- The concept of strenghening of compressive zone in RC beams using HPC-HSC. Koncepcja wzmocnienia strefy sprężonej w RC dźwigarach wykorzystując HPC-HSC / 1
- The concept of the rescue system in the long term 1
- The Concept of the Use of Life Cycle Analysis in the Environmental Assessment of Heterogenous Solid Rocket Propellants based on HTPB Rubber and PBAN / 1
- The Concept of the Use of Life Cycle Analysis in the Environmental Assessment of the Heterogeneous Solid Rocket Propellants Based on the HTPB Rubber and the PBAN 1
- The Consequences of Introducing the Bologna Process to the Hungarian Fire Protection Engineering Education / 1
- The cooperation between emergency medical teams and emergency departments in reporting patients with multiple organ injuries and noninjury patients. 1
- The corigin and essence of territorial self-government as a determinant of the security of civil society on the example of selected EU countries. 1
- The cost of getting it wrong. Koszt złych działań. 1
- The cost of history. 1
- The cost of traumatic stress / 1
Viewed records 65661-65680 from 80861