- Structural Damage in Buildings Caused by Gaseous Explosions and other Accidental Loadings 1971-1977. Uszkodzenie konstrukcji budynków w wyniku wybuchów gazów i innych gwałtownych obciążeń / 1
- Structural debate / 1
- Structural design for fire safety / 1
- Structural Design for Fire Safety. Projektowanie strukturalne dla bezpieczeństwa pożarowego / 1
- Structural Design of Closure Structures for Local Flood Protection Projects. 1
- Structural failure of a steel roof structure as a result of many irregularities in the construction process. 1
- Structural Fire Behaviour: Development Trends. Zachowanie się konstrukcji w czasie pożaru: trendy rozwoju / 1
- Structural fire design according to Eurocode 5 design rules and their background / 1
- Structural Fire Engineering / 1
- Structural Fire Fighting. Taktyka walki z pożarami. / 1
- Structural fire protection in Polish scientific and technical writing from the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century 1
- Structural Fire Protection. Budowlane środki ochrony przeciwpożarowej. / 1
- Structural Fire Safety - as Exemplified by a Swedish Manual for Analytical Design. Bezpieczeństwo pożarowe konstrukcji zilustrowane do analitycznego projektowania / 1
- Structural firefighting with limited staffing / 1
- Structural rehabilitation of The Brazilian National Library building / 1
- Structural response of World Trade Center buildings 1,2 and 7 to impact and fire damage / 1
- Structural timber - Determination of characteristic values of mechanical properties and density. 1
- Structural timber - Strength classes 1
- Structural timber - Strength classes - Assignment of visual grades and species 1
- Structure and destruction processes of building ceramic products / 1
Viewed records 60921-60940 from 79118