- Shocking spike in firefighter mortality rates from cancer / 1
- Shop around / 1
- Shopping in safety / 1
- Shopping in safety. 1
- Shopping revolution / 1
- Shopping solutions / 1
- Short communication: A methodology for evaluating the effect of drying on the heat of combustion of wood - based materials / 1
- Short communication: a note on fully developed fires in large compartments / 1
- Short communication: A simplified model to predict the thermal response of PLG and its influence on BLEVE / 1
- Short communication: Experimental investigation of fire door behaviour during natural fire / 1
- Short communication: on "a priori", "blind" and "open" comparisons between theory and experiment / 1
- Short communication: Use of the mass spectrometer for heat release rate analysis in fire calorimeters / 1
- Shortcommunication: Some ambiguities in plume and flame height formulae / 1
- Shorter English-Polish and Polish-English Technological Dictionary 2
- Shorter Technological Dictionary English-Polish and Polish-English 2
- Should doctors or paramedics be used for prehospital emergency care? Czy lekarze i paramedycy powinni zajmować się ratownictwem przedszpitalnym? / 1
- Should firefighters enter burning buildings if there are no persons reported ? / 1
- Should firefighters enter burning buildings if there are no persons reported ?. 1
- Should I Stay or Should I Go? / 1
- Should masonry walls in older buildings be insulated or not? / 1
Viewed records 57501-57520 from 79118