- Predicting the past / 1
- Predicting toxic gas concentrations at locations remote from the fire source / 1
- Predicting toxic gas concentrations resulting from enclosure fires using the local equivalence ratio concept linked to fire field models / 1
- Predicting uncertain effects of a blast load generated by an accidental vapour cloud explosion. Przewidywanie niepewnych efektów siły wybuchu, generowanego przez wybuch chmury par / 1
- Prediction for vented explosions in chambers with multiple obstacles / 1
- Prediction of absorbancy size of smoke at fire in building 1
- Prediction of fire environment under water mist suppression conditions by two-phases zone model / 1
- Prediction of fire origin location to wood materials charring / 1
- Prediction of Fire Origin Location to Wood Materials Charring: Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Technological Sciences, Civil Engineering (02T). Określenie źródła pochodzenia pożaru w czasie zwęglania się drewna: streszczenie rozprawy doktorskiej / 1
- Prediction of fire resistance of concrete filled tubular steel columns using neural networks / 1
- Prediction of flammability of gases by using F-number analysis / 1
- Prediction of heat release in the single burning item test. / 1
- Prediction of methanol loss in liquid hydrocarbon phase during natural gas hydrate inhibition using rigorous model / 1
- Prediction of occupational accident statistics and work time loss distributions using Bayesian analysis / 1
- Prediction of occurrence and propagation of forest fires and associated risk for human life. Zapobieganie wybuchom i rozprzestrzenianiu się pożarów lasów i zwiazanym z tym zagrożeniem ludzkiego życia / 1
- Prediction of peeling failure of reinforced concrete beams with externally bonded plates / 1
- Prediction of pure-component flash points for organic compounds / 1
- Prediction of reactive hazards based on molecular structures / 1
- Prediction of shock sensitivity of explosives based on small-scale gap test / 1
- Prediction of soot and carbon monoxide production in a ventilated tunnel fire by using a computer simulation. / 1
Viewed records 49481-49500 from 79120